Sunday, March 28, 2010

percussion in the name of sensation. God, i love my generation

with the title above, you know i sound quite sleepy enough to be thrown to a lake without me knowing. sleepy is as sleepy does.
sorry blog, i haven't updated you for like.. 2 years, 3 ? yup. 3 years haven't writing to you. man, what a long time. so wella, let's start with the things i've recently done and been doing (?)

-The Stage Crew of 'Oliver Twist'

it's exactly named that.. but the name doesn't fit the proportion of the actual job that lies inside the name really.

not so many students got accepted to this particular job actually, and yeah you can say on one side, i got pretty lucky there. In fact, I've also been wanting to get involved in this theatrical show.. in which I did, but got out for preferring soccer as my extra activity at school. Now that I've gotten involved in this thing, i am very happy. plus i could also see the actors and actresses play some expressive act before the actual show. all i gotta do is just lifting tables and chairs for the play. it's 'relatively' boring i'll say.


These are current movies I've watched and what I think about it. well this is my blog, right? :p the numbers are just a slight guess of what they may deserve in being compared to others

Benjamin Button : 5,00
Shutter Island : 4,83
Hachiko : 4,65
No Country for Old Men : 4,77
Forrest Gump : 4,53
Alice in Wonderland : 4,33
It's Complicated : 4,17
Hurt Locker : 3,96
Haunting in Connecticut : 3,82
Green Zone : 3,47
A Dangerous Man : 3,21


I've been reading 'What The Dog Saw'
just passed by the 50th page.
quite a pretty awesome book by Malcolm Gradwell I have to say.

P.S :
as indeed the sentence 'i love you' seems to not wanting in going out from my mouth. i just say it here anyway. I LOVE YOU.
and if someone smiles right now, stop smiling, i'm not deserved to make you smile. i can't even say those 3 words, can i ? no

extra :
Haunting in Connecticut WILL ruin my night.

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