Tuesday, August 18, 2009


today i went to school with a hugely-depressed face. there's gonna be a physics test. i couldnt study for it the night before because my science course teacher was still in anyer to have some kind of refreshing in the holiday. his name is mr. paulus hoa tjiang tan :) so it was absolutely a total disaster for me. during the test, i slightly think that sometimes i just prefer social science than nature science. but i'll never stop trying to go to the nature science class. :)

in the afternoon, i did obligatory art. it was choir. i liked it very much because the teacher is my favorite. pak i wayan trinada. with his style of distinct and responsible, he taught us some very good life points. he also delivers them well. besides it, he also taught us singing. well of course.. it's singing class.

after-school, i played some badminton, i wanna make it a routine activity to losing my weights. then.. from 8 until now i'm watching desperate house wives. it's very good indeed. yeah its sexually and creatively good i'll say. :)


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